Workshop topics and leaders

On Saturday, March 9th all conference participants are given two chances to participate in selected workshops lead by wonderful women both from Latvia and USA. Check them out!

1st workshops (14:00 - 15:30)

Singleness or loneliness: women who live alone and their search of identity.
Lead by Beth Travis (USA), a consultant to help Christian schools throughout Florida gain accreditation and be recognized by the State. Beth has a deep walk with God, a significant prayer life and ministry of encouragement. Beth is divorced and has three grown sons.

The art of juggling - how to keep work life and family life in balance. Lead by Gita Medne -  the superintendant of Methodist Church in Latvia, and a pastor of Riga’s 1st church; and Sarah Ilsters - the Assistant Regional leader of The Salvation Army in Latvia and the pastor of one SA corps (church) in Riga.

Wise women - beauty and self-esteem at any age. Lead by Dana Kalniņa - Zaķe, the chaplain of Pauls Stradins clinical hospital in Riga. 

Life in aqarium, on the stage, in the desert or at home. A group for pastors' wives. Lead by Linda Kalniņa and Baiba Ozolinkēviča.

A workshop on worship. Description coming soon. Led by Tracy Meola (USA) - a talented piano player and worship leader. She has worked full-time as a worship leader in at least two churches. Tracy and her husband Matt, have been married about 20 years.

2nd workshops (16:00 - 17:30)

Singleness or loneliness: women who live alone and their search of identity.
Lead by Beth Travis (USA), a consultant to help Christian schools throughout Florida gain accreditation and be recognized by the State. Beth has a deep walk with God, a significant prayer life and ministry of encouragement. Beth is divorced and has three grown sons.

The art of juggling - how to keep work life and family life in balance. Lead by Gita Medne -  the superintendant of Methodist Church in Latvia, and a pastor of Riga’s 1st church; and Sarah Ilsters - the Assistant Regional leader of The Salvation Army in Latvia and the pastor of one SA corps (church) in Riga.

Wise women - beauty and self-esteem at any age. Lead by Dana Kalniņa - Zaķe, the chaplain of Pauls Stradins clinical hospital in Riga. 

The mask of a mother and the real me. Lead by Linda Kalniņa and Baiba Ozolinkēviča. 

A workshop on worship. Description coming soon. Led by Tracy Meola (USA) - a talented piano player and worship leader. She has worked full-time as a worship leader in at least two churches. Tracy and her husband Matt, have been married about 20 years.